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Monday, March 26, 2012

Projects I'm working on...

Happy Monday!! 

This last weekend was the most fun I've had in a while.  On Friday I had a 4-hour lunch-n-talk with two of my very best girlfriends.  It's always great to have an afternoon with the girls.  It had been way too long since our last fling!  On Friday night we went out to eat with a young couple (the guy works for Trev) and then went to see a band.  It was fun, but I was TIRED!  I also had a sore throat from talking so much.  I don't usually talk that much in a whole week, let alone one day.  On top of all the above fun, the dogs finally got their hair cut...they were getting really bad because Mama forgot to call early they went nine weeks without haircuts instead of the customary six weeks.  Scary Hairy!!

On Saturday we drove 180 miles (each way) to see Grandpa.  I did a little bit of light cleaning, and Trevor stained the deck.  It's always good to see Grandpa.

Sunday was the first action handgun fun shoot for Trevor.  They had great weather--low 80s with a light wind.  Everyone got a little sunburned.  I went out to watch a couple of stages.  After removing the third crawling tick from my leg, I decided to go home.  Ticks freak me out, and I start itching all over.  YUCK!  We ended the weekend by going out with my brother and sister-in-law.  What a BUSY yet FUN weekend!  I hope yours was great, too.

I am working on several projects right now, so I thought I would bring you up to speed on what I'll be bringing you in the next few weeks.

Baby Quilt -- My friend had her baby a little early and I've been procrastinating, so I WILL be getting this quilt done soon.  There will be six blocks with puppies in western scenes.  These embroidery patterns are from an Aunt Martha's DOW set, so I just cut off the "days" and only used six of the designs.  Here's some of the blocks so far:
I have a ways to go, but these come together quickly...I hope....

Primitive Place Mats -- A lady that works with Trevor wanted to know if I could make place mats similar to something she'd seen at the mall.  I went and checked it out, and I think it is totally doable.  I'll share the idea and results with you when they are done.

Dachshund Mobile -- Just trust me...this will be cute!

Dog Shaped Rag Blanket-- I've made these before, but I'll put up a picture when I get this one done.

Nephew's USMC T-Shirt Quilt -- the top is done, but I want to have it professionally quilted.  When it is finished, I'll put up the picture.

Bird Cage Cover -- for the library bird.  Her current cover is in shreds because it was always too small for the cage.

Juice Can Lid Project -- I just have to find some people that drink frozen juice, because I need some lids!

Garden -- This is a big project!  It has been so amazingly nice and warm for March that we decided to go ahead and plant radishes, carrots, leaf lettuce, spinach, and green onions.  Hopefully it doesn't decide to snow.

Lola wanted to be in the middle of whatever I was doing until she saw the dreaded CAMERA!  "No, Mama!  Don't take my picture!!"
What are you working on right now?  Have a wonderful week, and take care of you!

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