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Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Find -- SparkPeople

My friend, Susie, knows that I am always looking for new ways to encourage myself to stay on track with healthy eating and exercising.  She told me about this phenomenal website called Spark People (

Keeping track of everything I eat and all of my exercise has been the only way that I successfully lost weight and/or kept it off.  This website makes "food journaling" so easy!  You just search for the food you ate and add the amount you ate to the meal/snack.  It tracks calories, fat grams, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, and protein for you.  If there is a favorite snack that you can't find in the database, you can manually add the information from the label.  The information is then added to the database, and you have it for future use.

You can add your weight goal, and Spark People will give you tips on how to achieve your goal.  There is information on health topics, recipes, motivation, wellness, and fitness.

The plans put forward by the website are very realistic.  In fact, the amount of exercise suggested for me was less than what I currently do.  However, if I was just starting...this wouldn't seem as daunting as thinking that I have to exercise everyday (like some "diet" plans suggest.)

The best thing is that this site is free.  I'm sure that I have only begun to find out all of the great resources available on this site.  If you have been looking for a way to start or jump-start your healthy lifestyle, then this is the site for you.

Let me know what you think...If you haven't figured out, I'm in love with the site!

Have a great week, and take care of you!

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